Guard-post Necropolis of Saqqara

Guard post and the Step Pyramid of Djoser

The Step Pyramid of the Pharaoh Djoser. The world's first monumental structure made of stone.

Archeological workers joking about lowering me down the excavation shaft.

Ethnographic documentation of excavation finds.

Ethnographic documentation of excavation finds.

Old Kingdom Hieroglyphics.

Archeological Inspector and assistant excavate Old Kingdom tomb.

Archeological Inspector and assistant excavate Old Kingdom tomb.

Ethnographic documentation of Old Kingdom tomb.

Ethnographic documentation of Old Kingdom tomb. Offering plate.

Ethnographic documentation of Old Kingdom tomb: Religious Icon.

Ethnographic documentation of Old Kingdom tomb: Sandal.

Ethnographic documentation of Old Kingdom tomb: Head Rest.

Ethnographic documentation of Old Kingdom tomb: Scarab.