15 May Bridge on the 26th of July Corridor, shot from the roof of the Cairo Marriott Hotel.

Cairo business district looking South.

Asking for directions on the Ring Road.

Hope and dispair in Cairo.

View of the Egyptian Museum (red building) from the roof of the Nile Hilton.

What's left of the famous Nile Hilton (now owned by the Ritz Carlton chain and is currently under renovation, hopefully to reopen in 2016)

Pool at the Grand Nile Tower Hotel.

Interior of the Hanging Church or Al-Moallaqa.

Hallway in the home of Major R.G. Gayer-Anderson Pasha (now the Gayer-Anderson Museum)

Minbar door detail.

Private mosque that King Farouk prayed in.

Peephole and door knocker, Cairo style.

Pool at the Hilton Cairo World Trade Centre Residences.

Enviable lifestyle on the Nile.

View from Al Mokattam Mountain towards the Great Pyramids (37.6 km to the West).